mobile ban ielts task 2 essay

IELTS Task 2 Essay

Ques: Many people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops, and public transport. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Essay: Many argue that mobile use in open regions isn’t appropriate because of noise and should be restricted. However, I disagree with this view, and the reasons are discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.

Firstly, individuals, most importantly, convey their cell phones wherever they go with the expectation that they can be inside the span of their relatives, likely clients, and companions, consistently paying little mind to where they are. They know that there might be times when somebody needs to reach them immediately. For instance, there could be a companion who requires help in crises, such as confronting a fender bender or a cop illuminating them regarding the burglary in their home. They would miss essential updates if phones were banned in public places.

In addition, a few understudies utilise their mobile phones in libraries to study. For example, while perusing a book in the library, they might have to employ a web-based word reference on their cell phone to look into the new word they run over. Likewise, individuals can be taught to involve their telephones in a manner that doesn’t irritate others openly, for example, putting their phones on quiet or vibration mode. Hence, they stay in contact with their dearest ones from a distance or turning down the volume brings them all together so as not to upset others.

However, specific individuals might say that cell phones in broad daylight places are awful because they make individuals uninformed about the distress they are causing to others. In any case, it isn’t so significant compared with missing the report about the burglary in the house. This issue can be tended to given that people put their phones on quiet in pubic-related regions or talk all the more discreetly while noting their calls.

In conclusion, although cell phones create problems for society, they shouldn’t be restricted in broad daylight places. All things being equal, individuals should be urged to utilise their cell phones more admirably in those areas.


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