plastic pollution ielts task 2 essay

IELTS Task 2 Essay

Ques: In many countries, plastic shopping bags are the main source of rubbish, causing pollution on land and in water, so people think they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Essay: In today’s world, the utilisation of plastic has been expanding to an ever-increasing extent on the off chance that an individual goes out to shop, he gets out with a plastic sack containing his things, and assuming we purchase a cool beverage they are stuffed in plastic jugs which isn’t great for wellbeing, and it likewise builds the contamination. In my perspective, we want to diminish the utilisation of versatility, which will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.

First, we use shapes daily to toss the loss from our homes. We utilize shaped receptacles, versatile plates to eat our food and formed containers to hydrate. We want to supplant them using paper plates, paper packs, or any dispensable things since they require a very long time to break down. Moreover, if we light them up, air will be dirtied, another severe issue, i.e., soil loses its uselessness. For instance, organisations are lessening their non-decomposable materials by utilising paper bundles or wooden bundles and reused materials. As we see, Apple retail boxes are made of cardboard.

The subsequent point is that these non-decomposable materials also dirty streams and the sea. They are hurting creatures living there, and because of this, a few creatures are becoming endangered. Organisations these days are likewise focusing on this issue. For example, Samsung’s world-driving tech organisation utilised fishing nets and shaped squander, left in the oceans, to make S-pens for its cell phones.

To sum up, the public authority should take a serious approach to this issue as it’s anything but minor. They should inform understudies from their tutoring concerning the faults of utilising it and let them know that in contrast to these, the best option to shape is covering or cardboard and lessen its utilisation, or it should be prohibited entirely.


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